"In a film eight years in making, Studio Ghibli’s cofounder Isao Takahata tells the untold story of Princess Kaguya. An old bamboo cutter and his wife find a tiny girl inside a bamboo shoot and raise her. The mysterious little princess grows rapidly into a young lady, enthralling everyone who encou..
"The Art of Spirited Awaycollects colour illustrations of Spirited Awayfor the first time in an English edition. This book includes paintings and designs from the Academy Award winning animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Features commentary, colour stills, sketches, storyboards, and illustrati..
"Ponyo, loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid, is a hand-drawn feature-length film. This ART OF book includes not only cell artwork, but also striking watercolour and pastel concept sketches and layout pages. The book also has interviews with production principals about their..