"This six-level, carefully curated extensive reading series delights young students while improving their reading proficiency through a diversity of genres. Fiction from award-winning authors and illustrators and thought-provoking nonfiction combine with activities and practical teaching ideas to st..
8 ECCE Practice Tests consists of eight complete Practice Tests for students about to sit the Michigan Ecce Exam. The tests have been carefully graded and especially designed to familiarise students with the exam format, content and to increase their skills and confidence...
#English is an engaging three-olevel course for learners at CEFR Levels A1-A2+. Each level consists of 30 units in 6 themed modules. This flexible series offers an effective combination of print and digital resources, and boost the development of real-life skills...
The Art of Writing C2 aims to develop the skills necessary for effective writing at C2 level. It presents and analyses the most commonly used genres at CEFR Level C2 and most international exam boards. Its flexibility of approach makes it suitable for classes of all kinds, including large or mixed a..
The Pupil’s Book contains: An introductory unit (Starter) A nine main units and three additional units related to festivals Cut-out materials and stickers Access to Digital Resources..