"A three-level pre-primary series that brings nature and magical adventures to early learning classrooms. The Pupil's Book includes stickers and pop-outs. The wide format and spiral binding are easy for young children to manage as they learn to locate pages with page numbers and work within the boo..
"The Pupil's Book includes stickers and pop-outs. The wide format and spiral binding are easy for young children to manage as they learn to locate pages with page numbers and work within the book. The book includes tear-off worksheets so the teacher has the option of sending home individual workshee..
"What's new for the Second Edition? A new focus on Critical Thinking to help students apply their grammatical knowledge, an extra section on Writing in every chapter, additional practice in the new Online Workbook and new Part Tests at the end of every section to check and review progress."..
"Topic-based units offer thorough input and practice of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, with vocabulary and grammar presented in situations which exemplify their meaning and use. - Switch On to watch authentic TV clips and video podcasts – each unit of the course has video material ..
"Cumulative review pages after every two units offer further revision. Great students’ tips give advice on study and exam techniques. The Digital Workbook includes the content of the print Workbook with fully interactive activities, audio and automated marking. Teachers can monitor students' work us..