A two-level young learner series for the Junior A and B classroom that uses inspiring photography and video, fascinating facts and clearly-structured methodology to bring English language learning to life...
"Happy Trails is a perfect introduction to English for the first two years of primary school. Follow Ty the Panda, Leo the Leopard and Mia the Meerkat as they embark on a trail of discovery through different countries, cultures and experiences. With a carefully scaffolded grammar, skills and vocabu..
Το πακέτο περιλαμβάνει Pupil's Book with DigiBooks App*Activity Book with DigiBooks App*Companion & Grammar with DigiBooks App*HappyToons Notebook*HappyToons Bracelet..
Happy Toons, our new course for Pre-Primary and Primary learners, brings forward a holistic approach to learning: technology integration, STEAM activities as well as a focus on values ensure that kids not only learn English but get language exposure through content that fosters interpersonal skills,..